Why searching for extraterrestrial life with a universal biosignature detection framework is a mistake.

Why searching for extraterrestrial life with a universal biosignature detection framework is a mistake.

A couple of weeks ago a group affiliated with NASA released a “white paper” claiming that scientists need a universal biosignature detection framework for searching for extraterrestrial life. Unfortunately, there is a serious problem with the first part of their proposal.
Null hypothesis: the term ‘life’ is not needed in biology

Null hypothesis: the term ‘life’ is not needed in biology

Before we go any deeper in the Universal Theory of Life debate we need to examine the following null hypothesis: ‘Life’ exists only as a concept. We mistakenly assume that 'life' exists independently of our culture as a natural phenomenon, just like we did with ‘luminiferous aether’, ‘preformationist’s homunculi’, and ‘vital force’. A theory of life is as useful as a theory of ‘phlogiston’.