Prioritize the Search for Extant Life on Mars with NASA-DARES 2025

Prioritize the Search for Extant Life on Mars with NASA-DARES 2025

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and Mars Exploration Program (MEP) are hereby recommended by Christopher Temby and Agnostic Life Finding Association to ensure that the highest priority science objective in the coming decade for the 2025 Decadal Astrobiology Research and Exploration Strategy (NASA-DARES 2025) is a search for an extant Martian biosphere before human arrival.
IMPRESS to Deliver Art and Science to Mars

IMPRESS to Deliver Art and Science to Mars

The image depicts a concept art: a five meters tall titanium penetrator imbedded in the Martian soil. The scientific payload and cameras broadcasting statue's selfies reside in the half-buried pedestal. Long after the science mission ends, this statue will serve as a landscape feature and a message to the future generations.
Evolution is cleverer than you are

Evolution is cleverer than you are

Biology is very difficult to predict but surprisingly easy to bend to fit any observed results. Life on Mars might employ various pathways to generate energy and fix reduced carbon. Contrary to Steven Benner's claims, at least some of the potential pathways do not involve the generation of molecular oxygen.
NASA’s “Standards” White Paper. Does NASA’s drive for consensus make young scientists susceptible to being trampled by mastodons?

NASA’s “Standards” White Paper. Does NASA’s drive for consensus make young scientists susceptible to being trampled by mastodons?

Survival in the Ice Age required youth who were able to balance instruction from their elders with a rebellious streak sufficient to reject their instructions when survival required adaptation. Does NASA's need for consensus upset this balance?