Science, Hype, and Prebiotic Chemistry

Science, Hype, and Prebiotic Chemistry

Commenting on our report that basalt glass catalyzes formation of polyribonucleic acid, Jack Szostak found it "very frustrating that the authors have made an interesting initial findings but then decided to go with the hype rather than the science". This offers an opportunity to discuss classical chemical structure proof, and the timing of scientific publications.
Ribonucleic acid is formed by percolating ribonucleoside triphosphates through basalt glass

Ribonucleic acid is formed by percolating ribonucleoside triphosphates through basalt glass

This simple reaction is the last step in a modeled "discontinuous" process that moves from sulfite- and borate-stabilized carbohydrates, a post-impact atmosphere, and rock species delivered from basalt glass, all of the way to what might be the process forming what might have been the first genetic molecules on Earth ... and Mars.
Why searching for extraterrestrial life with a universal biosignature detection framework is a mistake.

Why searching for extraterrestrial life with a universal biosignature detection framework is a mistake.

A couple of weeks ago a group affiliated with NASA released a “white paper” claiming that scientists need a universal biosignature detection framework for searching for extraterrestrial life. Unfortunately, there is a serious problem with the first part of their proposal.